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Vanessa Aeschbach

Vanessa Aeschbach

Teaching Hospital, Psychosomatic Medicine

PhD student (11/2017-04/2022)

in sub-project P3
Otium in the hospital? A Mindfulness-Based Intervention for Resident Physicians

Profile on ResearchGate

Dissertation project

Effects of a tailored mindfulness-based program on resident physicians' salutogenesis

Being faced with high workloads, medical residents exhibit above-average rates of burnout, depression, and substance abuse. The aim of the project was to help residents cope with work-related challenges and increase their well-being, serenity and resilience.The intervention consisted of an 8-week mindfulness program that had specifically been adapted to the needs of medical residents. Within my dissertation I evaluated the effects of mindfulness on salutogenetic aspects of mental health  using a mixed methods design, consisting of both qualitative and quantitative methods.

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