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Ana Helena Palermo Kuss

Lehrstuhl für Wirtschaftspolitik und Odnungstheorie

Associated Member of the IRTG (07/2017-01/2020)

Dissertation project

Analyzing the Effects of Basic Income on Time Allocation and Productivity and Comparing its Policy Process within the Brazilian and German Welfare State Orders

The PhD project was divided in two parts. The first one developed a theoretical model to discuss the possible effects of an unconditional basic income (UBI) on people’s time allocation. The second investigated the policy process of such a reform (introduction of UBI) in the welfare state orders of both Germany and Brazil. One of the arguments analyzed in the project is narrowly related to the idea behind the German word “Muße”. The work departed from a reformulation of the work-leisure dichotomy used to model people’s behavior concerning time allocation. This dichotomy is predominant in the economic sciences and is restrictive concerning the variety of ways in which we can invest our time. The idea of “Muße” was then used to guide this reformulation. The various meanings, which can be attached to this word, are also understood as the various meanings, which we can give to our time and which we can use to rethink this dichotomy.

The dissertation was submitted in November 2019 under the title Economic effects of basic income and formation of redistribution preferences. A theoretical and experimental investigation.

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