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Dr. Johannes Fendel


Department of Psychology

PhD student (01/2017-12/2020)

in sub-project P3
Otium in the hospital? A Mindfulness-Based Intervention for Resident Physicians

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Dissertation project

Mindfulness-based programs for resident physicians: Impact on symptoms of stress and quality of care

Work-related mental health problems are considerably more prevalent in hospital doctors during residency than in the general population. Residents suffer more often from burnout, depression or anxiety. Work factors contributing to ill health are a high work load, long working hours, a neglect of self-care and a widespread performance mentality.

Our intervention aimed at enabling residents to meet their exceptional work challenges with more serenity and autonomy. It was further designed to reduce the feeling of time pressure by experiencing a subjective slowing down of time and by expanding the perception of the present moment. This should result in improvements of residents' well-being, which has been proven to be vital for the delivery of high-quality health care.

The intervention involved an eight-week mindfulness-based program that considers strategies especially relevant to the needs of hospital residents. Within my dissertation, I partly designed the intervention and subsequently evaluated its expected effectiveness by means of a mixed-methods design and mixed model analyses. This approach entailed quantitative (questionnaires, physiological and implicit data) and qualitative data analysis.


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