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Johannes Litschel

Litschel Johannes

Department of Forest History

PhD student (03/2017-12/2020)

in sub-project R3
Otium in the Forest: The Construction of a Concept in Past and Present

Dissertation project

Being part of sub-project R3, “Otium and the Forest: Past and Present Constructions”, my dissertation discussed the social construction of the forest as an otiose space in the nineteenth century. Starting from the romantic period, forests are regarded as places of longing for the urban bourgeois classes. The project focused on the second half of the nineteenth century, which further develops this concept of the ‘solitary forest’ and the discourse surrounding it. This approach was complemented by an analysis of the discourses appearing in nineteenth-century forestry science. A closer look at these discussions allowed us to understand whether the changing social demands on the forest as a place for retreat and recreation are reflected in the contemporary concepts of forest management. Doing so showed how the romantic image of the forest transpired into the wider population.

The dissertation was completed and submitted in December 2020.

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